Hey do you know what Brite White or Angel White Icing Base is? See recipe inside...
So I went to the cake supply store to get high ratio shortening and talked to her about using icing at rm temp/outside (it's been around 85) but will be full shade and she said no to any butter. smileys/frown.gif
I'm sad about this, I thought I could at least do half/half. I really want an icing that tastes good and not like the grocery store or some such.
She told me I needed brite white too (I read it is called Angel White Icing Base except here on the west coast) to add to the shortening, in fact tried to sell me a icing base that had a mix of both (and gave me a recipe*). I kept asking if I needed it even if the cake was not going to be white and she said yes, that it helps consistency. However English was not her first language so it gave me pause. I also don't know what's IN it -- is it chemicals? I don't want to feed chemicals to a baby (in fact this will be her first taste of sugar).
It happens I am making a white icing, but it doesn't need to be bright white. Off white I'm sure would be find. It's not a wedding.
Color me confused.
I'm a bit thrown by this as I thought I had a recipe I was going to try (at the link) and per the comments planned to add "Butavan" (clear butter/vanilla extract, which I now see is an artificial flavoring) and a tad of almond extract as folks said it helped with the taste (of the shortening).
*recipe from cake supply store:
Swiss Alpine Buttercream
2 lb powdered sugar
1/2 cup water
1 bag icing base (high ratio shortening + brite white)
1 T flavor (or to taste)
Mix sugar/water on low speed till creamy, then add icing base and flavor. Mix on high speed for 20 minutes. (She said if I wanted a crust on the icing I should add more sugar.)
Also she claims that doubling this recipe will give me enough for 100 cupcakes, which seems crazy not enough to me.