Maria, I made a full 16 oz container of the lemon cream and compared it for over two weeks
against my normal curd--which I have loved for years. There is just something gentle, yet still creamily tart about this--plus it didn't separate like my curd tends to do after a time (by that I mean there is a small residue of water at the bottom of the jar, separate from the curd.) I didn't use it all up for over 2 weeks and it was still perfect.
I wonder if you can make the recipe steps WITHOUT the butter in the VM, pour it out and wait for it to cool to 140 (KEY STEP), then add it back in and emulsify the butter? By the way, I only used 2 sticks of butter, not 3--if I'm recalling correctly.
I haven't had lemons, organic eggs and butter all at the same time and in sufficient quantity to try this out.