This was my wedding present to my godchild. I made 4 desserts for 300 people
and had them plated so everyone got a taste of all four. I originally thought of offering a dessert table, but those can get so messy if they aren't patrolled carefully. So I came up with the plated dessert.
30 skinny Genoise chocolate iced cakes (10 slices each)
15 hazelnut cheesecakes (20 slices each)
5 half-sheet carrot cakes (60 squares each)
300 mini blank cream puffs (purchased from Qzina) filled with pastry cream
300 Ferraro candies, one each for the middle of plate
I flew into Pittsburgh on Saturday, Mom & I drove to Penn State University on Sunday for all the cream cheese, cream and butter, we went shopping on Monday for the rest of the ingredients and I started baking on Tuesday.
Tuesday = Cheesecakes
Wednesday = Carrot Cakes
Thursday = Genoise split into three layers, soaked with Grand Marnier syrup and dark chocolate buttercream icing
Friday = Ice the carrot cakes, ice the genoise cakes, start filling the cream puffs. Make the four small display cakes and mark the desserts for cutting. Deliver most to reception hall.
Saturday = spun sugar for croquembouche display tower.
Saturday = RAIN and collapse of said spun sugar
Saturday = wedding and reception
Or at least that's how I remember it. It was in 1999 and I was kind of crazy over this. I was working full time and in Florida, ordering ingredients online and having them shipped to Pittsburgh.
Mom has a full-size kitchen in her basement for making strudels, so she has a large restaurant-size convection oven and lots of half-sheets. I borrowed/bought 8 cheesecake pans, so that was just two batches. Kind of insane, but I wanted this for her.
Of course, she already had a beautiful wedding cake as well. I didn't do that...didn't want the panic of screwing that up.