Marilyn, try sardines with this chickpea salad: Cook some chickpeas, or heat up canned ones,

Press a clove or two of garlic into a mixing bowl, sprinkle with salt, and mash with the back of a spoon. Pour in some olive oil.

Drain the beans and toss while still hot with the garlic and oil. The smell is wonderful. Toss is a handful of chopped green onions and some chopped fresh sage; season with salt and pepper. Let cool a little.

Line a platter with spinach leaves and pile on the beans. Garnish with red bell pepper strips and/or radishes, quartered hard boiled eggs and canned sardines. I swear you'll love the flavor combination, and it's all so healthy.

Serve with good bread and chilled rosé.

Marilyn, try sardines with this chickpea salad: Cook some chickpeas, or heat up canned ones,

Press a clove or two of garlic into a mixing bowl, sprinkle with salt, and mash with the back of a spoon. Pour in some olive oil.

Drain the beans and toss while still hot with the garlic and oil. The smell is wonderful. Toss is a handful of chopped green onions and some chopped fresh sage; season with salt and pepper. Let cool a little.

Line a platter with spinach leaves and pile on the beans. Garnish with red bell pepper strips and/or radishes, quartered hard boiled eggs and canned sardines. I swear you'll love the flavor combination, and it's all so healthy.

Serve with good bread and chilled rosé.

The front part of the article mentions they requested "normal" foods, rather than gogi berries, etc.

We eat everything on it except for the sardines. I may have to find a palatable way of doing that.


Marg CDN

Well-known member
This is a lot more appealing than most lists we see. I'm going to post it in

the kitchen for awhile and see if we change our style. We really do eat well. I am so conscious of how and what we eat and I think that dedication to quality consumption has turned around my husband's health, considerably, much to his internist's surprise.

I wonder if Dr. Bowden knows what a saskatoon is and how it compares to a blueberry. We cannot even begin to pick what's on this tree but we, along with the robins and cedar waxwings, are going to be very healthy.

Sent this to some coworkers & one shared that Watermelon needed to be added to the list

I was joking because we have a cook here that puts Tumeric on EVERYTHING. I got hashbrowns the other day and knew they looked pretty yellow - blew it off as that false butter oil they use. Wrong, it was tumeric.

Anyway, the one sole coworker still here with me sent me this link.....
