Marilyn, with your inspiration, I finally tried the recipe for Maya Angelou's Chicken Livers


Well-known member

I save chicken livers in the freezer as I break down chickens, and cook them up for lunch for myself sometimes. (Jacques is not into them). This was the best version so far.

While I like liver, the celery and sherry (I used port) add a nice counterpunch to the livery-ness. My salvaged and frozen livers may not have had the best texture, and everything stuck to the pan like crazy, but I soldiered on, browing the flour while stirring and scraping furiously, and ended up with a delicious sauce.

I ate it with leftover rice, but the buttered and parsleyed noodles called for would be wonderful.'s_Chicken_Livers_I_haven't_tried_this_yet_but_you'

Great to little bitty livers await & I've got port. Just can't suppress the willies yet.

Ferritin results: 7.08 with a reference of 11.10 - 264.00.

Damn. I'm LOW.
And that was after three days of spinach/mango smoothies.

If it really grosses you out, maybe this is not the right course! Sorry you are struggling with this

Does your doctor say why you can't seem to get ahead of this--other tests?

meat, such as lamb, pork, chicken, and beef
pumpkin and squash seeds
leafy greens, such as spinach
raisins and other dried fruit
seafood, such as clams, sardines, shrimp, and oysters
iron-fortified dry and instant cereals

No, I think if I mask it with enough stuff (onions, sauce, etc) I can do this. Realized today

that I haven't had any red meat since the last blood donation, or any meat this week, so it's probably just my diet. I have a baseline number to compare against now, so this week i'll start a more hemi diet and get it checked again in two weeks.

I eat everything on that list except for most of the meats and seafood.

Chicken and shrimp, cod and salmon when it's fresh. A small piece of steak every month or so.

Colonoscopy comes next if I don't get the numbers up.

That sounds worth a try, especially if you can spring for grass-fed.

(I know you watch your fats and cholesterol, but I'm convinced meat from a healthy animal is good for you.)

How do you feel about beets?

Another idea for the liver would be Mexican Style liver & onions with tomato & chile

I have a friend who is a liver & onions lover like me and she thinks the liver & onions at El Ranchito in Dallas is the best she has ever had.

Garlic, tomatoes & chiles in addition to the onions...

Greek seasonings are delicious on chicken livers--oregano, basil--maybe the

Greeek seasoning salt they sell in the supermarket--can't remember the name.

I'm reading a book on anemia and pretty much EVERYTHING I eat is an inhibitor

Calcium (300 mg +) which I eat in large doses for osteopenia
Eggs (can reduce absorption by 28%)
Polyphenols (cocoa, chocolate)
Tannins (black tea, coffee, cocoa, walnuts)
Some fruits (apples, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries)
Phytate (found in fiber, which I eat a boatload of for...other reasons)

Okay. Total revamp of diet plan before next blood donation. Just eating some liver won't solve this problem.

Yeah, but---- a lot of people eat all that also and aren't affected. NOt to say that you

shouldn't do all you can to correct, but it would seem something else may also be afoot. REALLY want you to get this "fixed"!! ;o)
I thought eggs were a good source of iron too?
