Martha Rose Shulman's smoothie recipes in the NYT

And another five

Oatmeal Spice Smoothie: Oatmeal is a great addition to a smoothie — it’s a thickener with lots of fiber and nutrients.

Kiwi Strawberry Smoothie: Ripe kiwis are high in vitamin C and a good source of potassium and magnesium.

Orange Date Shake: Dates add sweetness and nutrients to this easy-to-make smoothie.

Carrot and Sesame Date Shake: Here’s a smoothie so thick you can almost chew on it.

Banana Peanut Butter or Banana Almond Smoothie: This smoothie provides sustained nutrition for a long workout.

These look really good. I have a question about smoothies for y'all. Doesn't a smoothie, by

definition, have yogurt in it? Maybe I've been misled all these years, but I thought that's what made a smoothie a smoothie. Yogurt, ice, and fruit, all whirled around together!

I was at Tim Horton's the other day ("Camp Day") and ordered a smoothie. "Do you want yogurt in that?" the cashier asked me. ..."Uh, yes... ?" "That's extra", she replied.

Maybe just "milk" is included? I really don't know now!

I think in the traditional sense, that's right... (Oh, and a tip about the NYT links.)

But when green smoothies (kale, parsley, ginger, mint, whatnot) started appearing on the market, I think that's when the traditional definition of "smoothie" began to erode... Not sure exactly when that was.

If you hit the NYT paywall, just look at the url and delete everything including and after the question mark. You should be left with a url that ends in ".html" or ".htm". Then refresh the browser, or hit Return, and that will get you the page. (Not that I advocate breaking poor-old old-journalism's paywalls, but the NYT has said that they designed theirs to be easily broken.)
