Martha Stewart enameled cast iron pot recall.

As you've heard, "the cobbler's children have no shoes". Variation on "do what I say, NOT what I do"

and the always popular "put those down, you'll put an eye out"! (Oh wait, that's something completely different. Sorry. I digress)

I have to admit, she has certainly lightened up here. And now I know how to fold a fitted sheet!

And in all fairness, her daughter's book is intended as fun. But still, speaking of fun, I have never been tempted to cook after watching her take all the fun out of it.

I watch her/get her magazine at Halloween. She (pretends I guess) to be as big a fan of it as me.

I've gotten some great Halloween ideas/recipes from her. I'll give her props for that, but I've never been much of a fan and I'll never forget years ago watching her show when she put dirt in the oven to sterile it. I thought OMG this woman is insane.

LOL! This thread is so funny. Melissa, I remember someone from SNL impersonated her

decorating the holiday tree by wrapping TP round it. Round and round and round...
