Maya Angelou's Caramel Cake! I'm making two for a 4th of July block party--


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This is a very well-attended local destination party, a fundraiser for my good friends' Neighborhood Association. Last year I made one cake for the cake walk and another to enjoy on my friends' front porch. I won't be allowed back this year without the same two cakes.

It's a sweet, Southern, quintessentially American treat.

Since I originally posted it, I've found that 2 cake recipes and 3 frosting recipes are just about right.

Wish someone would make this for me!

Since I have recently burned both boiled cider & pomegranite juice I was trying to reduce to syrup I think I'll pass on making caramel at the moment

love the added notes - I'm with you on the dry sugar caramelization.... it's a hit or miss prospect

I've never gotten it to caramelize evenly that way. The wet method is longer,

but so much less stressful. It is a holiday, after all!

But Melissa, this is just sugar. If it burns, you're only out about 50 cents.

SOLD! I am buying the book and making the cake, my mouth is watering for a piece right now....

and it is only 7:20 AM here!

It is/was a hit. One of the first to be chosen at the cake walk, and later, we all dove into it

on our friend's front porch. It turned into an impromptu evening potluck after the block party, everybody dragging chicken or sausage out of the freezer and re-merchandising their BBQ side dishes--we had dinner and went home at 11:00! There were no other desserts but what was left of the cake and various sorbets retrieved from way back in the freezer. We managed.

I usually make French desserts but for the 4th this is an absolutely American one that holds its own.

I made this into cupcakes for my bookclub night--the book was The Help, and they made caramel cake

in the book. the caramel part was not difficult.

Audio --> Exactly! 2 other good audio books I've listened to recently:

Sweet Mandarin
Traveling with Pomegranates
