Maybe FRC - What would you do??? Get out your thinking caps, please!


Well-known member
We're in the midst of our downsizing move scheduled for Wednesday and our buyers (we're renters in our old home at this point) have emailed that they want to come over to take some measurements this weekend.


So we have chaos in two places, cleaning (serious deodorizing) the new house, trashing the old house, things strewn about, still not sure what will be tossed in the car over the next 4 days. It's a mess!

Okay. So we need to stop, clean, organize, strategize for their visit.

We had planned to do this anyway on Thursday, after the move, but now is REALLY NOT CONVENIENT.

I just keep thinking, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." Then I swear under my breath.

Why isn't it October yet????



They're coming at 10 on Sunday morning.

What would you do to be totally welcoming and gracious for the 30 minutes they will be moving throughout THEIR house taking measurements?

10 is our time for breakfast on Sunday. I'm thinking of baking a blueberry peach coffee cake (or something) with fruit from the freezer and/or zucchini bread for something nice to serve (and so the house smells warm and fresh smileys/wink.gif Seriously, I could use a break and baking will be fun (Cool, I just remembered my bread pans are at the new house, and I know where!) I can see our island covered with a runner and strewn with pastry, juice, fruit, coffee, dishes, etc. Something quite over the top in appearance. Like, "We're really glad that you came over!"

We have manuals and house notes put aside. Package and share now?

Is this the time to give them their gift? Any suggestions on something simple and nice? We are planning to leave the new, beautiful welcome mat and welcome sign that we purchased to stage the front porch for the sale but wanted to do something else (easy) if you have a great idea.

Thank you so much for any suggestions. I'm pretty tired and not thinking all that clearly smileys/wink.gif Colleen

Wow, you're a much better person than I would be. smileys/wink.gif

If all the checks have already gone through, I'd be inclined to say no and let them wait 'til Thursday. I don't think you need to go over the top, but it's a nice gesture. smileys/wink.gif

Our buyers paid an outrageous amount for our house - they deserve anything they want

Our home sold for roughly 2x what it would have sold for a year and a half ago. These wonderful people made the difference for hubby and I between moving towards retirement with less worries and the continuing daily grind. They are amazing in our book - but their timing for this visit stinks smileys/bigwink.gif Colleen

Same thing happened to DD. Let them come as it is.

They should understand where you are--and appreciate it!! Have some coffee it you want, but just let them roam and then leave--would be my advice.

I'd offer to take the measurements for them, then you don't have to clean

Not that I'd clean for them, but this is sort of a compromise.

It saves them a trip over and you don't have to worry about being seen in moving chaos.

I'd just say, the house is in moving disarray right now, but you' be happy to measure anything for them they need before Thursday.

Problem solved. And if they still want to show up and you're ok with it, I wouldn't slowdown or make do other than offer coffee to them. They've been forewarned you are knee deep in moving.

I'm with Charley on this one. It's obvious they are happy about this arrangement too.

It's their house now, but you're still renting it. If they're moving in, their own place must look as disheveled as this one. No need to spend extra time cleaning up.

Cake and coffee sounds very kind and friendly. I think you are both going to be happy in your new homes.

I agree with the "give them coffee" crowd. Keep doing what you are doing

and let them do their thing. They will see how busy you are, and get on with the measuring.Of course, be friendly and gracious, but keep going with your plan.

They paid what they thought the house was worth. You have no obligation to them. Let them take

their measurements (so there is no opportunity to say you didn't give them the correct measurements) and send them on their way. This is why real estate buyers and sellers should never meet. I wouldn't even offer them coffee, so they would be out of your hair sooner!

I'm with Marianne and I don't mean to be unfriendly. I have a current Real Estate Brokers

license (which I only use for referrals) and she is right. Keep the buyers and sellers apart. If they must come in and measure and you want them to just open the door, smile and say you'll keep busy with your packing up. The less said, over coffee or otherwise the better.

Thanks, Janet. Been there, done that. When I had to sell my Mom's home, I met with the buyers.

It got ugly, and I just had our lawyer deal with them from that point on. They started to make petty, unreasonable demands, and the lawyer put a stop to that. He distanced us from them, and stood up for us. All was resolved.

I'm reading this on Sunday morning, so this probably is too late, but I agree... let

them join you at your Sunday brunch, and forget the cleaning. They should be glad that you are accommodating them. Let us know how it turned out!

Boy, I feel blessed with the folks we bought this house from. Sweet, sweet folks

Of course, we overpaid plus then paid even more for them to leave some items in the house (if I were a good negotiator, those would have been included)...but

As the last step before they moved out, they had the entire house steam-cleaned...including the DRIVEWAY...and then had their maid go through and clean every closet again.

I've heard horror stories about people removing lighting fixtures and mirrors, etc. No problem with these folks.

We took your advice... and I left

We did spend several hours cleaning and straightening before the visit. DH stayed behind for the half hour measure while I went over to our new house. I'm chatty and DH is not so the exchange between our two "camps" was minimal.

Thanks for the less-stress backup! Colleen

This was the condition of our current house

A breeze to do a quick "our cleaning supplies" clean and move right in.

And this is how we are planning to leave this house, too. Even scrub the driveway - but only where the shed left a mark.

Not at all like where we are moving to smileys/wink.gif Life can't always be easy (she mutters through clenched teeth).

So glad that you are in great shape for your move! Colleen

I can relate to feeling so relieved and blessed that you got the buyers that you did. we just closed

on the sale of DH's duplex to a lovely older couple and their married daughter. they are perfect for the home and are so grateful to have found it, and the sale went so easily that I thanked them by giving a pot of mums. simple, but happy colors and fit the season.
