Meetup!! I finally got to meet the famous (infamous??) Joe and Angie (AngAK)!!

With the lighting, it was very blurry...but then, we look better that way smileys/smile.gif

Candlelight is so forgiving. It was great meeting you both, and your husbands. We really enjoyed

ourselves and so did the others. Cheezz' Black Russian cake is to die for. Jacques took the remainder to work with him this morning to share with his fellow shopkeepers--I don't think it made it til noon.

I had a great time showing Angie the community garden earlier in the afternoon--the one so many of you supported with your daily votes for our video. What a great day.

For future reference: Joe = famous. Steve2 = infamous.

Thanks for sharing the picture....

I have been a member since the time of Gail's Swap over at Epi, but am not a frequent poster.
I do read the forum every day, and have enjoyed many recipes gleaned from this site.
I really enjoyed seeing the picture of 3 of my favorite posters.
It really made my day.
chloe Now this is how to throw a dinner party. So much lively conversation too. What an

Interesting mix of us. Thanks so much Joe for hosting this wonderful evening. Bill is still talking about the manicotti And thanks to Jacque as well for all the per party chores. We owe you a wine glass! And that cake is fabulous cheezz.

Thanks! Yes, I think I could've talked all night if I didn't have to get home and let the pup out smileys/smile.gif
