Meryl - I finally got around to trying the "Good-For-Almost-Anything Pie Dough" - WOW!!!

By the way, I am using it to make coconut tartlets (my first tartlets) so will post pics later

After you divide dough in half...

It says to flatten them into disks, how big of a disk?

Then after you chill them for an hour, then do you roll them out to fit a pie plate?

just sort of squish them down with your fist - doesn't matter how big they are.

It just helps for them to have the additional chilling and rest time. Yes, after they are chilled you can roll them out to fit the pie plate, try not to use more flour than absolutely necessary to keep it from sticking, and avoid touching the dough with your hands more than necessary - you want to keep it as cold as possible.

How'd I miss that Apple Pie recipe? Graham cracker crumbs and cream--who knew?

I may always use Julia's crust (just like this with less sugar) but I've never been too happy with my apple pies.

Joe- try making "Dutch" Apple Pie- you might like the results

This "good for anything pie dough" is, of course, just pretty much a pate brisee with a twist. Always a great pie crust.

If you want to try making a killer apple pie- make it in the traditional way but about fifteen minutes before taking the pie out of the oven, take a funnel, put it into a hole you made in the center of the pie (I do it with a sort of funnel I make out of tin foil and insert when I put the pie in the oven) and pour in about a third cup of heavy cream. The finished crust will not be crisp but the overall effect is well worth it. A delicious apple pie. I over-bake apple pies to make sure the apples are soft and finish with a little cream.

You're welcome again:) Those tartlets look great, and so does everything else.The cake is beautiful!
