Meryl, I made the Pasta with Garlic Oil and Breadcrumbs----sinfully good!! time for T&T

Ang, this works beautifully with chicken sauteed in the OO first, then lots of onions, then

the rest of the recipe.

I'll try this when I'm not ODing on carbs. I just had to sit down with a big bowl of this.couldn't

help myself. I think some some nice sauteed tilapia would be terrific too.

Hmmm, I'm debating this as a side for the chicken cutlets in porcini sauce tonight. From CI Mar/Apr

Ang, I always have this as a main dish with no animal protein added. Glad you liked it! Will post

it in T&T.

I'm thinking some roasted asparagus would have put this over the top. so good.

I wasn't sure about the breadcrumbs with pasta, but the crunchy bits were so nice and "rich". really easy and different.

it's a main for me too and the asparagus sounds like a great partner. I have to make it this weekend
