Meryl, just saw a good hint about chopping chocolate for chips...


I'm currently reading Sherry Yard's "Desserts by the Yard." She's Spago's lead pastry chef and was also pastry chef at Compton Place in SF.

Sherry recommends placing a chunk of dark chocolate on a plate or microwavable cutting board and zapping for 5 seconds, three times in a row.

That allows her to cut off chunks for chips and avoid splintering.

She doesn't specify, but I wouldn't make it too big a chunk, since things heat in the center faster. I'm thinking maybe 4"?

I noted her favorite chocolate chip cookie is almost identical to the Blue Chip one by David L. you posted a few days ago. Only 1/4 C more of flour, but with no nuts. Otherwise identical. Another tasty derivative of the original Tollhouse.

I mixed up a batch of Blue Chips last night. Haven't tasted one yet, but Lar said they were delicious.

Fingers slipped - as I was saying, this wouldn't work for me because I don't use a microwave, but

thanks anyway! I hope Sandi in Hawaii sees this - she was just asking me about chopping chocolate and it's a good tip for her.


Marilyn! chocolate is NOT popcorn.... or vice versa... isn't there a saying that goes "there's ALWAYS room for chocolate"?

and I believe chocolate goes very well with popcorn, even cheese popcorn. not a good enough excuse.
