Meryl-Made the Lemony Moroccan Style Chicken last night (more)


Well-known member
I was lazy and didn't skewer, just cooked the thighs whole & threw the veggies in a grill basket. This is one of my new favorites. I do plan to up the amount of ingredients next time for the spice paste. I used less chicken than the amount called for and there was still NONE left in the bag to "smoosh" the veggies around in. I would also add some minced raw garlic to the sauce. Harissa or some hot smoked paprika would be a nice addition to the spice paste too.

I made it too thanks to your posts!

I was lazy also and just grilled the marinated thighs--didn't even bother with vegetables in recipe as had fresh corn and eggplant that I wanted to enjoy while really fresh. I think Meryl's couscous would have been great with this.

Hey Sandy, three members have to love the recipe. I think only 2 have tried it. Your turn!
