Meryl - Made your Roasted Asparagus w/ Crispy Shallots for Easter - Yummy

How did you clean your asparagus??

I made asparagus recently and although I washed it under running water and then in a bowl, when I was finished cooking it there was sand in the bottom of the pan and still more sand in the tips. It's really turned my family off on fresh asparagus. Are there any tricks to making sure it's free of sand??

I've never seen any sand in asparagus, so I've always just washed it under running water. Maybe

you should buy it elsewhere?
If that's not an option, here's what I do when I need to wash the sand off cilantro, parsley, etc. I place the cilantro in a bowl of warm water, and just soak it, dipping it down to the bottom once. The trick is NOT to wash it, just to soak it, and the sand falls to the bottom. Then, I remove the cilantro, wash out the bowl, and repeat. If there's still sand, I repeat it once more, then wash it under cold, running water. Maybe this will work with your asparagus.

I always use a brush. I agree, the sand can be so off-putting. The sand is impossible

to see so even if it isn't there, I don't know.

I have a nice soft asparagus brush and give some good sweeps in the direction of the leaves, under running water.
