At work we just finished board meetings week. Every day the staff provides lunch. I decided to take on one day so I made Mexican-style food on Thursday for 30. It was supposed to be Friday (yesterday) but it got switched late Wednesday. Whoa. Scramble time. I couldn't start until after work- around 5pm. My DH helped me get underway. Nothing trendy or brand new in the menu, just T&T recipes that I knew would work together. I had just a few hours in the early morning to finish it up. Then I made a hot box (heated up my pizza stone, put down towels and insulated the food in the trunk of my car), a cold box (blue ice and insulation in another part of the car) and transported it all in my tiny car. Since I live in a humid and warm climate I was worried about the dessert but it worked great and I was able to put it into the freezer while everyone ate the main lunch. Everyone enjoyed the food and I am tired. Here is the menu and the recipes:
Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
Mexican Rice
Orange & Onion Salad
Cathy's Mixed Bean Salad
Green Chile Cornbread
Frozen Margarita Pie
Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
Mexican Rice
Orange & Onion Salad
Cathy's Mixed Bean Salad
Green Chile Cornbread
Frozen Margarita Pie