Meyer Lemon Marmalade: It jelled fine but the flavor was still just as bitter, if not worse.


Well-known member
Also I didn't think it tasted sweet enough. I did use 4 cups sugar to 4 cups peel/pulp boiled down with 1 quart water. It made 5 half pints.

I didn't like it.

Luisa, I'm so sorry that your Meyer Lemon Marmalade recipe disappointed you. I made this wonderful

marmalade and posted a message about it in '06, as I was so happy with the taste and the results. My link is to my original post, with my comments and my instructions, and the link inside my post is to the Epi recipe that I used. The recipe I used actually came from my copy of Ruth Reichel's Gourmet Cookbook, but it is the same as the Epi recipe. I can't find any difference between your recipe and mine, and I wish I knew why your marmalade didn't taste good to you. Mine was delicious, I gave away all my small jars of it, and everyone said they liked it. This is really puzzling.

PS, my lemons were from my own little trees, and they were very ripe. I live in south Alabama, and

the citrus experts tell me to pick all my lemons in early December, so the trees can get ready to make flowers and fruit for the new season. Is it possible that your lemons weren't fully ripe, depending on when they bloom and set fruit and ripen?

Yes they are ripe. Some new blooms are coming out. Last year I

left the pith on and they were too bitter. This year I just peeled, julienned the peels. Peeled off pith and used this same Epi recipe. Maybe I had too much zest?

Last year I weighed them as the sizes were variable. This year I did but

since I cut off the pith I thought I should use more. Plus I added the peels of one additional fruit that the inside wasn't up to snuff (a bit dry/frozen on the inside edge). The lemon part was 29 oz of whole lemons, then minus the pith, plus one zest. (Oh so very scientific, weigh it then change a bunch of stuff randomly...) No wonder it sucked!

my tree

I love lemons. Before moving back here to California I was living in the Sonoran desert near Scottsdale. We had a huge lemon tree outside our kitchen that part of the year gave lemons and part lime - but always fruting. We have a big family but it always had more than we could ever use.
I've been missing that. I'm north of San Francisco. I'm into my third year of a Meyer lemon tree that I planted. Full sun but so far have only gotten a few small lemons each year. Fortunately last year I cut back a tree that was shading my other lemon tree (strangely planted by the previous home owner at the corner of our garage) and now in the middle of winter, it is giving an unexpected abundance of lemons. A couple of days ago at Costco they had these beautiful meyer lemons that were orange in color. So I had to buy them. I'm going to give a shot to these two meyer lemon recipes - the marmalade and the tuiles.
