Alrighty. Lar and I were staying at the Wickaninnish Inn, Tofino, Vancouver Island, BC
Lovely, lovely place on the Pacific Rim National Park with enormous boulders in the surf line. The hotel was designed for year-round ocean viewing, but especially in the winter, you can sit by your fireplace or lounge in 2-person extra deep soaker tubs with ocean views and watch huge waves break across the rocks.
One night, I filled the soaker tub, lined tea candles along the rim of the tub, opened the wine, climbed in and waited for Larry to join me.
When he walked into a room, his eyes grew wide and all he could say is "Oh...Marilyn!"
Every woman waits for a moment like that.
Only this time, it was because the back of my hair was on fire from one of the tea candles. Fortunately, it was dark AND I was next to a reflective window AND sitting in 2 feet of water. Seeing the flames reflected in the glass, I immediately slid down and doused both my hair and the mood in one swift moment.
PS: The hotel had a strict NON-SMOKING policy with a fine of $250/day if violated. Toweling off my now-layered hair, I walked down to the lobby to speak to the manager but the kind assistant manager at the desk said she could help me. I said I really thought I should speak to the manager. She insisted, no really, she could handle any problem. So I said: Well, I just set my head on fire and now the room smells like burning human hair and I just wanted the manager to know that I will pay the penalty fee for however many days it take to clear the room odor.
She said: "Let me call the manager."
The "manager" manager was very solicitous...asking if I needed a doctor or anything else (as in...I don't know...a wig?). Anyway, they brought up an "ozone-erator" to the room and ran it for a day. Took the stink away and didn't even charge us the penalty.