Michael: for the Curried Red Lentil Soup is that 1 cup quinoa before or after it's cooked?

One cup after it's cooked. If you haven't ever cooked quinoa before...

...make sure you rinse the grain really well before cooking. It has a coating that washes off with water that can be bitter.


Michael is right on this note. Be sure to rinse it well first. But you can always make several

cups...it's like a cross between cous cous (not the dirty word) and brown rice. Reheats well in the microwave and is an excellent grain for breakfast too.

Guess sometimes i don't rinse it enough because I have tasted the bitter. Nothing like acorns >>>

though. That takes a lot of processing, rinsing etc. We still have lots in the freezer. Our daughter did some research on hot peppers in Bolivia with birds. They DON'T feel the heat so the seeds will be eaten and dispersed.
