Michael in Phoenix--saw you guys got some rain!! Hope you and your family are all okay! The

We got really wet, No flooding at my house, but several in my neighborhood weren't so lucky.

Thanks for asking.

We got nearly half our yearly rainfall in two hours. They're calling it "the hundred-year rain", as this hasn't happened in nearly 100 years.


We are facing similar problems with our water supply here in AZ. I think it is...

...a west and southwest thing.

I'm hoping the "el Nino" comes on strong this winter and we get a series of smaller storms. That's much better than getting two big storms and all the destruction that goes with them.


Thanks, Marilyn. The roads and freeways that were shown to be underwater...

...on the news that went out nationally are all very heavily traveled main arteries here in town. We use those roads daily. It's really odd to see a place you've been 1000 times completely flooded.

The low desert is a unique place. Neighborhoods have natural washes running through them, and they flood when we get significant rain. It matters not whether the neighborhood is affluent or blue collar, if there's a wash running through it, nature has carved it out for a good reason.

Like any environment, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the particulars of the region. Sometimes it is critical!


Yep...can you spell "arroyo"? First lesson I learned when we moved to ABQ. You can die quickly if

caught unaware in a flash flood that travels its own path.

But...on the positive side...won't certain desert fauna bloom now in your area?

This all brought back so many memories that I haven't thought

about for so long. I was raised my whole life in Wickenburg and started wondering if they still have Gold Rush Days so did a little google trip down memory lane. Have you and your family gone to it Michael? It was always such a fun 3 days every year for all of us.

If we get enough consistent rain in the fall/early winter, the desert will bursting...

...with color, come spring time.

We're supposed to have pretty strong El Nino conditions this winter, which means a lot of rain, so we'll see!

