Mimi, I just found your site today and (more)


Well-known member
I have been on Neener's site for several days. I was really happy to find so many familiar people on her site but the format still bothered me- it was not comfortable enough but I would have stayed and probably will go back and post some there.

My very big thanks to you for this site- I FINALLY feel like I am "home" like so many who have said so in earlier postings. It just ruined the start of my days when Gail's Swap turned into the Epi Swap and I have been looking since then for the "right" place to "build my nest" again. I LOVE your site and will stay on until you kick me off:) You got it right. You made exactly the right format happen when others said it couldn't be done.

You are so welcome (you and everyone else who has sent their thanks!)...

It is really, truly...my pleasure.

Another big thanks goes out to Thomas my programmer who put up with me when I kept suggesting little changes here and there that he couldn't understand the point of and the only point was, to make it like Gail's!

I've said this many times already but I'll say it once more, suggestions are welcome. Is the font too big? Thomas says it's too big and ugly. I agree it's slightly ugly but it's easy to read.

Ok, I know what to do...

Everyone seems to like the larger font size. But there IS a way to have it print in a smaller font size. I have to bone up on it though, so give me a couple weeks (or maybe after the new year) and I'll try to get it going. Feel free to remind me about this if it looks like I forgot!

Mimi, if no one else considers it an issue, please don't worry about it. The board is wonderful!

I just can't thank you enough.
