Mmmmm, I just had Membrillo and Machego on toast


Well-known member
and it tasted awesome!

Who knew that quinches could taste so good and turn a regular toast with cheese to a delicacy?

I found the Membrillo at a gourmet store today by accident. I was supposed to buy tea, but there were so many people in the store and the line was so long, so I ended up hanging out at the cheese corner while waiting for my turn at the counter and there it was, wrapped in foil and I thought to myself: "I haven't seen that stuff before. Wonder what it will taste like?"

The cheese woman said it would go great with Manchego, and since I already had my tea, my lunch was settled.

I found a recipe for Membrillo in a blog (see link) and I loved the blog too. I have spent the last hour reading it, and I like the bloggers style.

So, all in all, this has been a geat day so far.

Now my next task will be to find out what to make for dinner? Hmmm.....
