My 13-year-old decided to make a sponge cake with whipped cream frosting and strawberries and...


Well-known member
...a pot of beef vegetable soup for a class history project on 'colonial food'. He got both recipes from an old 'American Heritage Cookbook' I had nearly given away a bunch of times. It was, in fact, in a box marked 'donations' when we dug it out.

The cake was appropriate because the colonists had lots of chicken eggs, so a cake with 8 eggs fit the bill.

You haven't lived until you've watched a teenage boy try to separate 8 eggs without getting any yolk in the whites.

This is the same child who was about 5 years old when he watched me separate an egg for the first time. He watched intently and quietly. Then he said, "Dad. What are you doing... trying to get the slobber out?"

I love that boy...


I'm impressed. My mom taught World History & they did an ethnic foods

potlock every year which was lots of fun. Since we lived in a two university town we had a pretty diverse bunch of kids so some of the dishes were pretty exotic.
