My 91 year old aunt has a taste for calves liver, onion and bacon. I have the ingredients and


Well-known member
plan to make it today and deliver it tomorrow. Think I should undercook a bit so it doesn't get hard when she reheats, or just tell her to GENTLY heat (although she tends to reheat everything on high in the microwave!)?

i'd cook the bacon (about 1/4 pound) until crisp, crumble it and mix it with the garnish.

Something that will help keep it soft

My parents were in the restaurant business and the liver was always steamed a bit with either a little Sherry or more often with some Chicken Broth after the liver was browned, but not cooked through...and that is how I cook it to this day and since I am 76 that is a lot of days. Also, if she is going to use High try to prevail upon her to heat it for a very short time. I would start with about 30 seconds and then if more heat is needed increase by 10 seconds at a time.

Hope this helps and now I have a craving for some Chicken Livers

Sandy in Baltimore


you could ask your aunt what her favoite recipe for liver, onions and bacon is.

In school they made a point to always cook liver rare so that by the time it actually

arrived at the table it wasn't overcooked. It overcooks that quickly. I'd cook it over high high heat just until it sears.

I soaked it in milk, dusted with seasoned flour and cooked it over high heat in the

bacon drippings. Added the onions and bacon and a bit of broth to make a gravy, Now I have to find someone I can borrow a Lipitor from smileys/wink.gif

But it was worth it!
