Recipe: Sticky rice for satay -- "ketupat " in malaysia
Sticky rice cubes for Satay
Wash one pound of glutinous rice (short grain) in a strainer until all the starch is gone. Place rice in a pan with 4 cups of water and bring to a boil. Cover tightly. Cook for 35 to 40 minutes or until all the water is absorbed. Stir with a wooden spoon (stir vigorously) and pack the rice into a 1 inch pie pan or shallow baking dish coated with cooking spray. Cover the packed rice with greased foil or oiled parchment and press down firmly. Cover with a weight (I use a 4 cup measuring cup filled with water on a plate) and leave it at room temp for a few hours or until very firm. Take off the weight, the liner, and cut the rice into squares (one to two inch) with a wet knife.
Arrange on lettuce leaves and serve with satay and sauce. The rice is delicious dipped into the sauce!