? My cilantro isn't growing this year - it was an escape - unless it is


Well-known member
a really coarse-looking dark green without flowers, nothing like last year's light, feathery plant with lots of white flowers. Is this what "second-season" cilantro looks like?

And... not a hint of the dill that was crazy-wild last year. Isn't this a perennial (also an escape)?

Thanks for any herb-help!!

I haven't noticed volunteers looking any different in subsequent years.

Might it be flat leaf parsley? Flat leaf parsley is a biennial. It blooms in its second year. Plants in the first year have no flowers and the leaves, while similar, are darker than cilantro.

Can't comment on the dill. I've not had luck with it here. I buy a couple bunches from the farmer's market every year and roll it up in plastic and freeze. Cut off what I need from the frozen state then throw the rest back in the freezer.

Nope, it's definately cilantro, and bloomed last year. I was so happy when

I discovered cilantro growing in my garden, because I like it. Oh well, easy come, easy go!

Maybe it's a little early for the dill yet.

I always let one plant go to seed.

I have not bought seeds or a plant in many years. Same with kale and parsley.

One year I tried to harvest mature seeds to use as coriander but found the process of removing the chaff too cumbersome. If I try that again I will try a different method - tying bundles upside down in a paper bag and just wait for the seeds to drop off.

Thanks. They dried up and did reseed themselves, I thought, and since

they came once, I thought they'd come again. Do they not come up every year (i.e. are they "alternate year" herbs)?

I've had volunteers every year.

I try to let just one plant go to seed so I have a little control over the location of the volunteers. I do on occasion plant some seeds harvested the previous year but use or pull those plants before they flower.

I have lots of seed from last year. They have been stored in my refrigerator. I was going to use it as coriander but it is a pain to remove the tiny bits of chaff. Would you like me to mail you some seeds? If yes, email your address to cindydvm@hotmail.com. Put something I will recognize in the subject line as it will go to my spam folder.

no message

Looked in both my PMs and hotmail inbox.


still need your mailing address

I tried the PM and address in our profile.
