My Daring Bakers' Challenge~

Yes, almost too pretty to eat...but I would!! Also, intrigued by the auction tomorrow...

I'll be bidding!!

That's so good of you, looks like there will be lots of wonderful baked goods available

enthusiastically clapping! lizzy, you did a beautiful job!

That cake looks too pretty to cut into.

Jaconde is on my "yes, I will try this technique this year!" list. I finally coughed up the money and bought my own copy of "Patisserie of Pierre Herme"; he shows the steps quite nicely.

There is also a "word" version on "Confections of a (Closet) Master Baker" that uses text rather than stripes. I definitely plan to steal this idea for our library volunteer luncheon. (See link)

Here's a trick for that from "Whimsical Bakery": take either clear cellophane or wax paper

and black Sharpie. Then flip the paper over and trace it!

Works for making Royal Icing do-dads, chocolate animals and jaconde lettering.
