My DH usually does kitchen clean up because I do the cooking.


Well-known member
I'd rather cook than clean, so this works out nicely. However, he tried to cut off his thumb with a chisel on Sunday (2 hours in the emergency room and 11 stiches), so I've had to take over the cleaning. He told me last night that it's a good thing I'm a good cook because apparently I don't clean to his standards.

I think that works out to a compliment but I'm not sure...!

I feel like my mother is walking around with white gloves on inspecting like in that old commercial

when she comes to my house!

When hubby was active duty we would often have the Navy's version of restaurant inspectors

over for dinner. These guys actually go beyond what restaurant inspectors do, but you get the gist. I would bar them from my kitchen and hang curtains on tension rods so they couldn't see in. (Oh, for a door!)

They always made fun of me and would comment that they couldn't take their jobs too seriously or they would never be able to eat in their own homes let alone anywhere else.
