My eldest son went to a party at a friend's house. The friend is from India, and my son...


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...told me his friend wanted to cook Indian food for everyone.

The boy brought home a red curry sauce that was absolutely the best curry I have ever eaten in my life. It was so flavorful I could've poured it into a tumbler and drank it like a smoothie!

We have asked the friend if they have a recipe they can give us. We haven't heard back yet, but I fear it may begin by saying, "Take one Indian grandmother...".

We'll see.


I work with a Pakistani woman who occasionally brings me this wonderful spicy chicken

I have asked her the technique/recipe for it, but I really need to go shopping with her for the ingredients and have her show me how to make it. I know any solo attempt on my part will be nothing like hers.

I had a friend from Taiwan who took me shopping and showed me how to make the best dumplings and hot & sour soup - so good! There are so many little details that are difficult to list in a recipe for someone unfamiliar with a dish, ingredient, or concept.

Naomi Duguid, author of Hot Sour Salty Sweet, watches her subject's preparation and

writes a recipe based on what she sees. Then tests it at home.

If these are non-recipe cooks, this might be a good way to get the recipe. "Can I watch you make it, and take some notes?" This way you'll also catch things about their procedure that's obvious or utterly familiar to them that they may not mention.
