ISO: My friend just gave me some Venison. Does anyone one have any good recipes for V Day?

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Well-known member
My friend's hubby just came back from deer hunting and she gave me a pound of meat. I have been looking for some thing special to make for V Day for dinner for my famuly so I thought I would check here first for anyone that has a good venison recipe. Any tried and true recipes that are easy and tasty? Please keep in mind I have young kids under 12. No spicy hot please and thank you for your help AGAIN! "Smile"

Blessings and Happy Valentine's Day!

LOL I don't know but, it is ground and she is away this weekend too so I can't even ask either.

Deer Meat is just what I need. You can make deer chili, or smoked

deer burgers. I was just about to post on my chilii powder mixture for my cook-off next weekend. See my following post. I can't find NARY a BIT of deer meat right now. I don't know one bro that hunted deer this year, sadly.

FYI: How to get ground deer meat without hunting it yourself

In TX and OK the meat processing plants will grind any deer meat left by hunters 30 days after deer season ends. They have to grind it unfortunately to sell it. It's very inexpensive.

It is great in chili. Use equal parts ground venison, ground pork, and chuck roast,

eaither in 1/2" cubes or ground. If you have a favorite chili recipe, go with that. If you need me to post one as I use it, I can go that way, too. Good luck---but remember that the venison is very lean, so you really do need the pork to provide enough fat in the finished dish.

REC: Venison Burgers with Soy Sauce; Venison Meatballs

I have not made these, but they are from my Alabama Extension Service Wild Game Cookbook:


1 lb. ground venison
Garlic powder, to taste
1 T oil, optional
4 T soy sauce.

Shape venison into patties 1 inch thick. Sprinkle both sides with garlic powder. If fat was added to meat when ground, cook in ungreased skillet. Or, heat 1 T oil in skillet. As the burgers begin to fry, pour 1/2 to 1 T of soy sauce over each patty.


3 slices soft bread
1/4 c water
1 1/2 lbs ground venison
2 t salt
1/4 t pepper
2/3 C finely chopped onion
1/4 C butter
1 T flour
S & P to taste
3/4 to 1 C milk

Soak bread in water for 5 minutes. Break into small pieces, pressing out as much water as possible. Combine bread, ground venison, salt, pepper, and onion. Blend lightly but thoroughly. Shape into balls about 1 inch in diameter. Chill for 15-20 minutes. Brown on all sides in butter, turning frequently. Cover pan. Turn heat to low and cook for 15 minutes. Remove meatballs to another pan, and keep them hot. Add flour, salt, and pepper to pan drippings and stir well. Add milk, stirring constantly until thickened; then simmer 3 or 4 minutes. Serve gravy over meatballs. Serves 4.

Why you need pork and beef along with deer meat, is because deer meat is too lean. Chili needs that

fat to swim around in to be perfect.

Well it would be a shame to waste a tenderloin or chops making

stew or meatballs. But if you've got tough stewing parts, then griding for pates, meatloaf, chili, etc., or making sauerbraten (one of my favorite things to do with a venison roast).

I absolutly adore this recipe! I thought about switching venison for the lamb but wasn't sure if it

would work or not. I will have to try it out ND LET YOU KNOW. Thank you!

Advice on choice of cut for venison sauerbraten, please?

Richard, I have been lucky enough to get a hind quarter from an 8-point buck killed on our property. I would like to make your sauerbraten, and I have a choice of three cuts to choose from: a boneless bottom round roast, a boneless top round roast, and a boneless rump roast. Which cut would you use and would you share your recipe with me? Many thanks.
