RECIPE: My house smells like autumn! Best dinner I've had in months - Rec: Braised Chicken with Pears and



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Concord Grapes. I came home to a great-smelling house. You can brown the chicken first, but I didn't.

2 lbs chicken thighs (I used boneless, skinless)

1 T ground cinnamon

1 T ground corriander

2 red pears, cubed (red for color)

1/2 cup Concord grapes, split and seeded

1/2 small onion, diced

Black pepper to taste (abt 1 tsp)

1 1/2 cups chicken broth


sour cream

soy sauce

Rinse chicken and pat dry. Roll in a mixture of the cinnamon and corriander. Place in a large pan and cover with pears, grapes, and onion. Sprinkle with pepper and top with broth, then cover pan with foil; roast until chicken is done (I cooked at 300 for about 2 hours but this will vary depending on the size of your thighs - don't go there - and whether or not you use boneless).

Top with a drizzle of soy sauce and sour cream (mixed together, equal parts).
