My local grocery doesn't carry tarragon vinegar, What is equivalent?


Well-known member
How much cider or champagne vinegar to how how much chopped up tarragon? Using the dried stuff never tastes right to me.

I use dried all the time 'cause we can't get fresh. Mine is good and pungent.

Do it to your own taste would be my suggestion. I don't find tarragon vinegar to be very strongly herbaceous, and I LOVE tarragon, so I'd use a good bit.

The "standard" suggestion to replace is white wine vinegar + 1Tbs fresh or 1 tsp dry.

However, you could also sub other mild vinegar such as rice wine, or even apple cider vinegar.

It would also make a difference on what it is that you are making - in a simple salad dressing, the flavor would be impacted more than if you were making something more complex, such as a multi-ingredient marinade.

I have made my own with a big branch of tarragon in white wine vinegar. I think you could sub

that pretty quickly by coarsely tearing some fresh tarragon into ww vinegar and then adding a speck of sugar. Let it sit for as long as possible, then filter. Tarragon is so strong that it would contribute to the wine quickly. I never use dry tarragon as I find it tastes like grass, no matter how fresh. But I do keep a bottle of ww with a branch in it, hanging around, because I do love tarragon.

And French tarragon, if you can find it, is, I think, so far better than all others.
