Now that I'm home, here is my never to be repeated, fully hand made/hand kneaded bread photos. (The arthritis in my hands may never recover from it.) The crumb as you can see is dense, but I was just done kneading at about the 45min mark (thank both the old gods and the new for KA mixers). However, I will say it was *BY FAR* my best tasting bread. Actual old school SF sour sourdough tang fully achieved!
I used a flipped over baking sheet and covered the bread with a warmed wet roasting pan to create steam. Unfortunately, I overproofed it in a warm micro (while drinking many cocktails, lol) because I didn't pay enough attention to it. Also, when my BIL built the kitchen he installed a slab of marble for baking - what a dream to shape/deal with bread on!
I didn't have the C&C recipe with me so used this only with all unbleached KA bread flour. (Real SF old school sourdough was white bread.)
I used a flipped over baking sheet and covered the bread with a warmed wet roasting pan to create steam. Unfortunately, I overproofed it in a warm micro (while drinking many cocktails, lol) because I didn't pay enough attention to it. Also, when my BIL built the kitchen he installed a slab of marble for baking - what a dream to shape/deal with bread on!
I didn't have the C&C recipe with me so used this only with all unbleached KA bread flour. (Real SF old school sourdough was white bread.)