My Potato Bread Machine Recipe-Taste Like Sourdough


Well-known member
I came up with this easy great tasting potato bread recipe because none of the bread machine recipes looked right to me, having spent many years making bread the relaxing, old-fashioned way. I came up with this recipe, and it's great on a good less-humid day, sometimes on a rainy day it doesn't rise quite as high, but still very good. LOL, one day I made it and it had been raining 10 days, and it did not do well.

Today I was out of potatoes, but had some plain cooked frozen sweet potatoes left over from Thanksgiving, and decided to try it. I'll let ya know.

Bread Machine Potato Bread

3 1/2 t 4 1/2 C Flour

2 T Sugar

1 1 1/2 t Salt

2 t yeast or 1 pkg yeast

1/2 to 1 C Mashed Potatoes-Warm (Save a Little Bit of Tater Water, or Use Plain Water-Warm)

3/4 C Beer-Fresh or Stale-Warm

2 T Vegie Oil

Except for potatoes, beer, and yeast water, have the rest of the ingredients at room temperature.

Put Yeast and 1 t sugar in small bowl, and just cover with warm potato water or warm water.

Put all other ingredients in bread machine. When yeast is activated, pour it in bread machine.

Use Basic Dough Setting and Light Crust Setting, and turn on bread machine. When the bread machine has halfway kneaded the bread or beeps to let you know you can add more ingredients, check the dough, it should be slightly sticky, but firm. Start with 3 1/2 C flour at first.

Sweet Potato Variation:

Use 4 to 5 C flour. Substitute mashed potatoes for mashed sweet potatoes, and eliminate 1 T, 2 t sugar. Use 1 t sugar for yeast activation, and follow same instructions.

The reason I came up with this recipe, is because I live on the road, in 2 states, with 2 houses, and hopefully 1 less business instead of 2 in 2 states. I cannot keep a sourdough starter fed and comforted. I am happy with both of these recipes.

ReallY? Mine is at least 30 years old and has one. Check to see the wattage and see maybe borrow o

borrow one from a friend to see if one would fit.
