My Saturday Six


Well-known member
Woke up at 5:00 this morning to a happily chirping robin - guess spring is on its way. Roasted some garlic bulbs to make babaganoosh later today.

Tonight's dinner will be in front of the tv watching Syracuse pay their last basketball game, so it'll probably be something simpe like blue cheese hamburgs and a nice green salad.

Tomorrow will be chicken with potatoes and leeks... has anyone ever used the new (to me) homestyle stocks such as Knorr's? I am wondering if they are any good... but seems that a vacuum-packed pot of stock might be better for a change as I've been throwing out the last couple of homemade stocks. They never get used in time.

I started reading Julie and Juilia (I'm a late-comer) and so far do not like it. Does it get better?!

Started some heirloom tomato seeds in an egg carton last night...

Anyone trying to get their blood glucose levels down - I've found that tomato-based sauce, avocados, and cinnamon-anything really do wonders (for me). Bloodwork was great this last time!!

Re: the stocks... I just freeze leftover stock in ice cube trays. smileys/smile.gif (Same with tomato sauce!)

Saturday Six

1. Made this quiche* yesterday, and it turned out surprisingly well (probably because I didn't overbake the crust when blind-baking it, as I usually do with pre-made crusts).
*Sorry; I can't get the html to work!

2. Made banana bread in order to have something to put inside a friend's Tupperware container when I return it to her... Am I the only one who's neurotic about this? I can't give back empty containers, ever.

3 and 4. Agonized for half the week over where to take an old family friend when we met her for dinner last night--we usually take guests to a Southern French/Italian place, but since I'd waited two days to hear back from my brother about whether he and his girlfriend could come to dinner, I lost the good reservation slots (the restaurant said, "No, we have nothing between 6:30 and 10 pm") and had a brain freeze on where else to go. Finally, I went on OpenTable and they had a 7:45 reservation; when we arrived at 7:30, they seated us. smileys/smile.gif Yay. The lesson here is: 1) Make a reservation for the largest possible group, as early as possible (and then let them know if the group size diminishes) and 2) Do it on OpenTable--this place seemed to have reserved tables specifically for OT users... Oh, and 3) Siblings who work in social media are IMPOSSIBLE to actually communicate with via any medium... (End of rant.)

5. And then we brought the family friend back to our place for dessert (raspberry cheesecake) and coffee, which seemed like a good compromise between being out and having a chance to talk.

6. Sunday breakfast: toasted brioche slice and espresso. I buy brioche maybe once every two months, and we have small-ish slices to make the loaf last, but it's worth it to have one hour on Sunday during which one can feel French. smileys/wink.gif

Thanks, Dawn! I was surprised that it was so good.

Frozen spinach usually lingers in the back of our freezer forever, but this redeemed it really well--no doubt all that cream cheese helps... (I used Neufchatel, which is lower fat, but it didn't seem to affect the taste.)

My weekend six-ish...

Getting ready to put my Vitamix to use, I hit the Farmers Market today for green smoothie ingredients.

My requirements: certified organic, local and zero waste.

I was disappointed in the fruit selection, the only organic option was some sad looking pink lady apples.
I did better with veggies:

Kale (reg & purple)
tomatoes (though pesticide free only from SoCa)

So I made a side trip to WF's for some fruit, and basically didn't get any there either because a) it wasn't organic b) it was shipped from S. America or someplace far and/or wasn't close to ripe anyway. --One gets so spoiled with food from all over the world! (Said the woman who wanted to buy that watermelon)

At WF's I got some
ginger root
(barely worth the gas to go there)

So I'm feeling a bit low on fruit content, but think I may have some frozen options I can toss in there.

In addition I have some freebie wild dandelions I may put to use given they showed up/took over a bed in the yard when I wasn't looking. However, need to think how to counter act the bitter in them.

Side note: went out Fri night and had some wonderful steak/blue cheese/caramelized onion sliders that will be repeated at home.

Yes, I only wish it hadn't been the table next to the kitchen, in this case. smileys/wink.gif Oh, well!
