My Saturday Six


Well-known member
Went to maple sugar demo, nice day for a drive

Made beef bourguignon this afternoon (I can't believe I made something that good with such little effort) - after I was able to open my bottle of red wine after buying a rabbit-style corkscrew. I've always wanted one of those...

Plans for watching basketball on tv this weekend changed abruptly after SU lost the other night :eek:(

Spray painting some wicker baskets white tomorrow for Easter, if it doesn't rain. Need a place to let them dry in the sun.

Oh yeah! 'Started heirloom tomato and cucumber seeds; I usually always start them so late that they're only little spindly things by June, so I'm happy I remembered in time this year.

Really would like to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Beethoven's Last Night" concert tomorrow night, but I don't think it's going to happen.

My Weekend Six

~Made monkey bread from Cook's Illustrated...fabulous!!! So much better than all my attempts at homemade cinnamon rolls
~Trying a new recipe for pork chops tonight from Weber Grill...with ginger, garlic, oj, red pepper flakes. I'd love to grill them, but it's raining!
~Laundry continues
~Celebrating Butler making it to the Final Four!!!
~Gave up desserts for Lent, but may need to bake something for the family...and freeze some for me and son Nick till Easter
~Start planning Easter will feature ham so the rest can be a bit more effort


**Work. We've expanded to doing global commodities so it's 24/7 now.

**More work. We scored a bunch of really expensive granite countertops from a remodel project my wife was working on -FREE! Woo hoo!
I have to prepare our kitchen so it can be re-worked for our place.

**Sent the family to the coast Saturday for Easter break. House is very quiet...

**Knock down the weeds in the back and assess the condition of the sprinkler system.

**Cook something no one else likes.

**Stay up late and eat crackers in bed.

Haha, while the cat's away... is your only business the

fund-raining one that you linked to, a while ago?

Mina tambi

-Baked (then ate) Sourdough Fig & Fennel Rye boule. (Excellent flavor combination!)

-Started a batch of "Pomolocello" (grapefruit limoncello) with pink and yellow grapefruit

-Watched "2012" with CB. What a roller-coaster ride! Really enjoyed it. Can't figure out why the critics were so dead-set against it. I mean, besides that "end-of-the-world-as-we-now-know-it" thing.

-Discovered that Molly (the cutest dog from hell) enjoys "eating" water from the hose. . . or any other source that pours. A good laugh was had by most.

-Made Hard Cider Braised Chicken Thighs with Curry over Jasmine Rice with Avocado-Asparagus-Arugula Salad for CB. She ate it well.

-Remembered it's Passover. Gotta find that Holiday Pork Roast Recipe. . . then confirm my reservations in Hell.

Steve, did you know that there is a breed of pig called the Mule Foot Pig?

It doesn't have a split foot, but has a solid one like a mule. But it doesn't chew cud, so maybe it is only half Kosher/pareve?

You will only get halfway to hell?


My weekend six - taxes done, WOO HOO!!!

Of course I didn't get them done until today

Friday night DH decided to go watch the OSU/TN game so I treated myself to a dinner out - I downed 4# of crawfish - have to get them while you can!!!

Saturday - loaded the tax software, did all the updates, etc. including new security software because comcast is switching to Norton - took longer than I thought

Made a batch of soup and cornbread yesterday

Grilled out burgers for supper

Now that the draft of taxes is done for DH to review - I'm going to treat myself to that crack pie but I have to run to the grocery first - forgot the milk powder required when I was out yesterday.

Co-worker died yesterday. He was only diagnosed about a month ago. I didn't work closely with him but will miss him. Feel like I need to make something to take in to work to 'comfort' everyone. I know from FB that a couple are pretty upset because they were pretty close to him. Not sure what I am going to make - probably something sweet since several gave up meats and such for lent.

Dawn, I'm a food and merchandise broker who specializes in closeouts and surplus.

I work mostly by the semi-load, and never see the goods, save for the occasional sample.

I try to assist non-profits as well (as you saw), and help them when they get offered donations of inventory.

The last year or so I've added international commodities to my reppertwah.


Weekend Six.

* Finished knitting yet another pair of cool socks.
* Picked parsley and mint and lemons to make first-of-the-season Tabbouli (yum!)
* Finally finished book club book which was due at the Library Friday, "Shanghai Girls" Very good and I see a sequel set-up
* Washing clothes and packing for trip to Turkey next week
* Making yet MORE Navel/Meyers marmalada (I am addicted to it)
* Found out Daughter-in-Law (newly-weds)made gnocchi (which I taught her how to do a couple of weeks ago) for her grandmother's birthday ! Yaya!

my six

fun Saturday at the home and remodeling show, lunch too and a dinner date later in the week. nice!

It snowed after I got home. enough already

baked the cranberry walnut whole wheat bread in the bread machine---huge loaf raised to the top of the lid and did not bake enough, so I finished it in the oven. It is delicious and next time I will reduce it for a smaller loaf.

I made this Pork and green chile stew and served it with cilantro/green onion rice and tortillas for the neighbors who are knee deep in a whole house re-carpeting project. chocolate poundcake with fudge sauce for dessert. mmmmm. leftovers for work.

Easter packages for the grandkids ready to mail.

Tax papers gathered up, on the stairs for schlepping upstairs to think about completing before Apr 15.
