My sincere thanks to desertculinary and GayR for Tangzhong method links.


They helped solve my *it's too dry the next day* cinnamon roll problem.

Now that I won't be forced to bake and deliver these immediately, I can share them a lot more often.

Here's what I'm trying next with this method: Cinnamon pull-apart bread

Using her recipe, I won't have to worry about the stickiness I'm experiencing with mine. I'd like to get the method down first.

I'm so glad you gave the method a try...

I know it isn't for everyone, but the method works well. It can be a little complicated to figure out the ratios, but after a few times, it definitely gets easier.

I’ve been away from here for awile. Do you still have your blog? So enjoyed it. And where are you

living now?
