My weekend six after the week from you know where


Well-known member
I am completely worn out - it has been a physcially and emotionally stressful week both at work and home.

So my six is really my one - tomorrow I go to work with Chef Arnold on brunch and see how it goes - he's travelling a lot lately as a result of Top Chef so at first I'll only be there when he's there.

I've been so excited about this and now I am so not even looking forward to it. And yes, I do feel a bout of depression coming on to top it all off.

Anyway, haven't done jack around the house, didn't get to the farmers market, didn't even leave the house. It was opening day of deer season and neither of the guys we let bow hunt came - we've got at least a 10 point buck and four others that we see almost daily and I saw them just enjoying the evening meal right out back this evening. It's nice to have them but it's also nice to have some fresh local venison. Maybe I need to take up bow hunting - I loved archery in school - it was the only sport/PE activity I was decent at.

Missy, I feel for you being overwhelmed & depressed.

Once you get started I'll bet you have fun though.

I like archery too. At one time in my late twenties I dated a guy who had an archery butt set up in his back yard. We had lots of fun. Since I was using his bow, which was too big for me and I didn't have arm guards I popped myself pretty good a few times. There were a couple of people at work I had to convince that I was not being mistreated by this guy because they thought the bruises were from him grabbing me hard by the arms.

Missy, sorry you're feeling depressed. Sounds like stress to me. Would it help to tell yourself

"It's only food?"

Failing that, I always remember what one of the cooks used to say at the first restaurant I worked at:

"It'll all be $@*T in the morning!"

That phrase gets me through many a panic attack.

You'll do great!!

((Melissa)) Try to have fun - sounds like a wonderful experience. Then, tonight

on second thought, maybe tomorrow night!, make your daughter her favorite meal and take it up to her at school. She'll be thrilled and you'll enjoy the visit.

I'm sorry for your overwhelming rough patch.

I hope you work though it and look forward to hearing more of your new adventure.

let me squeeze in too! It sounds like when I plan a vacation, and I over-plan and build it up too

much and then I get just a bit disappointed when the reality of the trip sets in and it's not quite as terrific as what was in my mind. kinda like letting the air out of the balloon. anyway, hugs to you.
