We are snarfing up both for lunch today at work, although the chicken is no longer crunchy. I made the dough in the bread machine(used about 6 1/4 c flour) and let it rise for a bit. It made such a nice silken dough. I got more buns from it than the recipe states----it filled a 10 inch springform round pan with great big rolls, and I have a small round ball of dough in the freezer to bake later. My boss is from Jamaica, and she said they used coconut milk in baked products as well. This would make a nice dough for cinnamon rolls. Next time I would add a bit more sugar to make them a tad sweeter. We're having them slathered with butter and honey. Mmmmmmmm.http://eat.at/swap/forum/index.php?action=display&forumid=1&msgid=109107