Nancie McDermott's Blackberry Roly Poly


Well-known member
We have had a decent blackberry crop this year and I saw someone post Nancie McDermott's Blackberry Roly Poly and decided I had to try it. We didn't even wait for it to cool down and I forgot to take a picture until after we had already dug into it. I didn't make the syrup - didn't need it. I did need more milk because my dough was too dry and crumbly - about another tablespoon or two, and I had a little over 2 1/4 cups of blackberries in the bag I pulled from the freezer so I used more berries. It was done at 35 minutes but the center wasn't as brown as I wanted so I baked it about 5 minutes longer for a total of 40 minutes. But this is a keeper and would work with so many different fruits.20240713_155023.jpgNancie McDermott's Blackberry Roly Poly