natural flavors and now "natural sweetener"

Paul host
Staff member
I mentioned a couple of weeks back how I avoided anything labeled "natural flavors." It is a common way for industrial food to hide ingredients like MSG and other stuff they don't want to name.

A few years back when the anti-high fructose corn syrup movement was gaining popularity, there was a petition to the FDA by industry, to rename corn syrup to "corn sugar" The FDA ultimately denied it. I didn't really care about the HFCS issue because it is what it is and I can choose to consume it or not, but now that I know they are hiding it under new names I do care. And because my daughter is allergic to corn/ corn products it ticks me off even more.

HFCS that is refined to a point of being 90% fructose can now legally be called just "fructose" and even products such as big brand cereal are labeling their cereal as "contains no high fructose corn syrup" when in fact they are using HFCS-90 which you will see in the list of ingredients as simply "fructose."

Another new misdirection is the use of the term "natural sweetener" to replace the term high fructose corn syrup. Again, to me this was not a huge deal but hiding it and being deceptive is.
