Need a new color scheme.


Well-known member
My current kitchen uses orange:

But orange with the new kitchen will be Halloween all year:

I'm thinking Le Creuset Kiwi Green: 

The top is the house we just sold the bottom is our new home.

We close on the one we are in now on the 26th of October and close on our new one on the 29th.

The "new" one is 20 years old, is on a lake, has a spa but does not have a pool. It does, however, have mature lemon, lime and grapefruit trees!!

I love green too. All of our le Creuset are Flame orange which I think looks good with the kiwi.

It's okay, Michael. You're in moving shock, I'm letting it go.

My kitchen is similar in color . . .white cabinets, stainless appliances & hardware, Tunas Green granite counter tops. (See below)

While I generally prefer Calphalon, restaurant-supply aluminum or All-Clad stainless or copper, my Le Creuset is blue or flame ('cause let's face it, I cook, I clean, I cry, I like show tunes, I work in theatre. Hell, I'm just one chromosome short of being a ballerina.)

This pix was taken when the room was nearly finished but if you look carefully, you can see the under-cabinet lighting fixtures hadn't yet been installed.

Citrus trees trump pools any day, especially if you have a spa and live on a lake.

I like the green idea. A pop of red would be nice too, but dark red, nothing flaming.

hmmm...but no kaffir lime trees? Here's what I have to say about green.

Still not sure if you are talking about a pale wall colour, accessories, cookeware?? Anyway

When I ordered our new beautiful all white, German Seimatic kitchen in 1976, I chose red to accent it. There were lots of red bits available but I didn't realize that I needed lots AND lots. It was 2 years before the market whether Can or US, caught up with red.

For my kitchen in the Caribbean I chose sea green, also too early. 2 years later again, linens became available. I had learned from my previous experience to keep the major accessories white, however.

My current kitchen is the size of the floor mat in the first photo. Colour just is of no consequence.

I love the kiwi colour. And I think it would be dynamite in your kitchen, especially against the black, maybe not so dynamite against the cabinets which are close in hue and intensity. If you choose kiwi and if you can already get accessories in that colour, grab them because they won't be around long. That is for sure (I predict) a short-term colour.

Yes, colour is just one of the things on which I am opinionated.

Love the kitchen. So fresh and roomy. We'll expect a continuation of wonderful creations from it. Congratulations on the new home (close to work).

My only thought about the green is that you will end up limiting your color palate. With no counter-

puntal visual in the room, you'll be forced into variations of a difficult color to pair. Also, it's kind of "frivolous" in tenor meaning, if you want to go more formal with a dining presentation, bright green might be somewhat limiting. (Toldja, chromsome . . . ballerina?)

No matter HOW you (ahem) "Flame".

You are so right, Marg!! I just went to the Le Creuset website and Kiwi is discontinued.

Right now I'm just looking for accents and not wall color.
