Need Advice- I'm going to Paris in May and would like to buy


Well-known member
my first copper pot. I've never cooked with copper so I'm not sure what it is best used for. Should I get a saucepan, fry pan, etc. Also I've read that there is some copper that you can only get in Europe (don't want to get something I could get here). Lastly I have an electric range (with the flat black top). Can you cook with copper on it or is gas better? Thanks, LJ

I can't answer the flat top stove question...but the other

I bought my first copper pot in Villedieu les Poeles, in Normandy. It claims to be the City of Copper in Normandy.

I bought a silver lined saucepot, 7" across the top. I use it a lot, but really love it for risotto.

My second trip, I bought a covered saute pan, stainless lined. It is wonderful for sauteeing or braising in the oven.

That I got at E.Dehillerin in Paris. The place is amazing!

My first copper was a 2-1/2 (ish) qt Mauviel saucepan. Great for melting chocolate, risottos and

delicate sauces. Any dish that calls for a constant and very regular temperature, benefits from using copper.

A caveat. Be careful you purchase a stainless steel lined pan rather than a tin-lined. While tin is traditional, it wears down and must be replaced periodically, a chore which is expensive and a service difficult to obtain here in the States.

(I own 3 copper pans. The aforementioned sauce pan, a 5 qt Mauviel sauce pot for jams and jellies and a 6 qt All-Clad Cop-R-Chef saucepan. Love 'em all.)

My one and only piece is a Williams-Sonoma 11" Mauviel copper fry pan

that I really love and have had for years. It goes from stove top to oven and is fantastic for searing and lots of other things including sautéing mushrooms. I keep it spotless and smooth using a bit of Barkeeper's Friend but don't bother cleaning the exterior anymore because it tarnishes so easily. I see W-S no longer carries it but eBay has it. I don't know if you'll get a better price in France or not.

Steve is right, stay away from tin-lined cookware. See article at Image link.
