Need advice on temp for standing rib roast


Well-known member
Too expensive to screw up! For medium rare all my research says 130 degrees, but is that the temp when I take it out or is that the temp I want it to rise to during the resting stage?

Serving it with Yorkshire pudding, probably mashed potatoes and peas (for my English SIL), and horseradish cream.

Am open for suggestions on a low energy dessert. Serving 7. I made the mistake of ducking dessert for T'giving and buying a couple of pies from a bakery. That was a complete bust!!

I roast ribeyes and tenderloins to 125* and tent to let temp rise. I just cooked a top sirloin

roast of 8# sous vide using a temp of 131* (for 12 hours). It was truly sublime.
