Need cookie filling advice. Recipe calls for crushed pineapple in heavy syrup, drained and


Well-known member
cooked until no liquid remains. The store only had p'apple in its own juice. Should I add some sugar? I hate to do all the prep and have it be soggy.

Cyn, I would drain, add 1/4 C of simple syrup...

and then cook it down. It sounds like the recipe is expecting a sweet jammy paste which you won't get with straight pineapple.

You can prep any amount of simply syrup--it keeps well in the refrigerator.

Here's your (hug) for today.

Agreed. Sounds like you'll be making something like a pineapple jam. I imagine the fruit will break

down in the reducing process.

I would say I have never seen crushed pineapple in heavy

syrup. The other advice sounds fine, but I might have gotten chunks in heavy syrup and put it in the food processor to chop==and then do the recipe.

Nothing in heavy syrup in the market. Used to be available everywhere.

Took Marilyn's recommendation and it came out fine.

I don't doubt it, but not here. I make a wonderful cake with

crushed pineapple (no added shortening!!) so see it "plain". But thank you. I don't buy anything in heavy syrup!! LOL

What did you do?

Sorry, late to the game, but I would have drained the pineapple, added sugar to the liquid, cooked it down, then reintroduced the pineapple into the thick concentrated mass.
