Need help finding a storage container for LARGE icing tips (most are ATECO).


I have 3 tip containers, but they are all for standard size tips. The large tips are too tall (sorry, I have no exact dimension...~2") for the lid to close using standard storage boxes.

could you find a plastic carry box in michaels

and then hot glue wine corks to the bottom to help keep them in place? I just bought some funky tips - can't wait to try them out.

Thanks missy. I didn't realize it had shifted more inland until I looked at MiamiHerald.

I'll be at home tomorrow...worse time (for us at least) is supposed to be Friday morning.

Will let you guys know how it goes.
Batten down the hatches!

Check out the sectioned containers at hunting/fishing supply stores.

I pulled one out once and joked with my husband about getting it for a travel pill container smileys/smile.gif
