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Dear Santa: Is it still Christmas if you don't bake any cookies? I don't want to end up on the

naughty list...well, at least not for cookies.

Dear Santa: am I *on* the naughty list for not getting any cookies baked?

With work all consuming of late I have baked not one thing. My plan last Saturday was get up, go to store, bake, and ship to mom. Then it went to get up, go to bakery, then ship to mom. And finally it ended up: get up...yeah no. (H1N1: now pneumonia in week 6.)

I did manage going to Whole Foods and buying up every pretty cookie, candy, plus banana & cin bread and got it mailed to her. (Yay!)

So dear Santa, please see all the pretty cookies Sandi linked to for all your cookie needs. What with all that eggnog and such, you might want to think virtual cookie this year. smileys/smile.gif

That would suck,being on the naughty list for something you didn't do! I was away off and on lately

and decided not to decorate, I usually do a little.
Then I took it further and decided not do do much baking--missed the bake sale I usually take lots too--
But am enjoying the season, got some lovely Christmas cards from old friends yesterday. Christmas Eve services tomorrow night and a nice quiet dinner here Christmas day. And dreaming of a wet Christmas here in the rain forest.
Wishing each and everyone of you a Holiday full of peace, friends and family and lots of goodies!
((((FK Friends))))
