Need NFR info and quick answer, PLEASE! I need to compress a 2.18mb word


Well-known member
file to a 2.0 I have been trying for 45 min. and I'm too stupid to figure out how to do it. Can anyone please help me?

I'm on a MAC.... if you save it to .pdf it will be a little smaller...

To to File > Print > then in the bottom left of the popup window it will have a pdf drop-down box and you select 'save as pdf'

Does it have graphics on it, or is it strickly words?

If the document has pictures in them, you could try saving them as a tif or gif if they were inserted as jpgs, the reinsert the new, smaller picture files.

Although I've never done it, from, they say to try these tips.

Turn off the Preview Picture option: File>Properties>Summary>deselect Save PP>OK.

Or clean out Versions:
File>versions>deselect Autosave version on close>delete unwanted versions>Close

Or turn off Fast Save (I never even HEARD of this!):
Tools>Options>Saves>deselect Allow fast saves>OK

Cyn, even on a PC you should be able to 'print to pdf' or 'save as.... pdf' - click on

HELP on the top menu bar and type in "compress" -- it should give you the solution.

Did you try the above steps with no luck? You can do it without pictures, pictures would

just be one of the options, in case I wasn't clear. Good luck.

Do you have a utility such as WinZip installed?

Easy quick way I zip/compress files is with the file of my choosing closed, right click on the file and select Send To -> Compressed File.

If you have a utility installed this will create a compressed file for you that you can then save/send. It won't matter if it is text/graphics/Word/or whatever.

Here is a link for different file compression utility options if needed.

Save as a PDF and then do this to make it smaller- you don't need to download a utility

Macs are so smart- You can compress a PDF file with Preview, so it's easier to email and archive.

This process compresses the images in the file. The compressed images look the same as the originals when viewed onscreen, but may appear to be of lower quality when printed.

Open Preview, in your Applications folder.
Choose File > Open, and select the PDF file to compress.
Choose File > Save, choose Reduce File Size from the Quartz Filter pop-up menu, and choose a name and location for the new PDF file.
You can save any document as a compressed PDF file.
