Need recommendations for curry powder, medium or mild. I've been using Spice Islands, which is good,


Well-known member
but am wondering if I should check out Penzey's, and which one? I love a lot of Penzey's spices, but prefer some of Spice Islands' blends. Not sure how their curry powder compares to Penzey's, so am considering trying Penzey's sweet curry powder or Maharajah. Also, what other brands do you all recommend?

(Or maybe I should just make my own - -I have a couple of recipes for homemade).

Hi Meryl, I really liked the one I used to get at World Market/Cost Plus.

It was called Madras. I am pretty sure they had a mild and a hot, but I am not positive. I am guessing that making your own would be the way to go, but sometimes convenience wins over. I used to get a Tandoori spice there made by Sharwoods that we really like also. Let us know how you like Penzey's if you order from there.

I like Penzey's--I think theirs is much fresher therefore much more pungent than SI

I have ordered several of them and mix the hot with mild or sweet because the hot is REALLY hot!

I use Ship Brand Green Label Madras curry powder and have also used

an Oriental curry powder but have forgotten the name. The Oriental was much brighter orange (more turmeric, I guess) but very good. Both mild.

Meryl, recommended in a cooking class I took yrs ago: Sun Brand Madras Curry Powder. It's great!

it's amazing how strong fresh curry powder is, compared to the jar I bought in '84!

but replacing all the spices is spency! So a little at a time is my current project with combined orders with my family from Penzy's. But I keep the Spice Islands jars! The mild curry from Penzy's was fine for me, after years of using the old stuff!
