Need suggestion for coffee maker with bean grinder incorporated.


Cuisinart has several at Bed Bath & Beyond, one which has a burr grinder and a hopper for the beans.

Another one is the Breville at FinerKitchens.

Any opinions? Thoughts? Don't want to have to sell my spleen for this, but an el cheapo version won't work either.

It will be Larry's big ticket item.

Watch that the grinder mechanism isn't above where the coffee gets infused...

The steam rises and causes problems with the grinder. Cuisinart may have fixed this problem, but some of the older ones may still be on the market.

That's the reason I returned the one I got and invested in a really good stand alone grinder.

We have a Cuisinart (one of the older ones), Pat is right.....

the rising steam causes some "clumping" of the grounds. There is not a huge amount of grounds but enough to have to rinse all the parts after each use.

I would not buy this brand again.

just be forewarned that if you set if to brew at say 5am, the grinder can be very loud.

and scare the pjs off of houseguests. just sayin'.

hey, that can be a good thing? I really like mine, had heard about the grinder being hard to clean,

I usually have the last cup and hour or more after brewing (insulated carafe) and it's not as hot as I like, so I nuke it a minute or so and that's just how long it takes to wipe and and rinse the grinder.
Was worried because the grinder is preset, but the grind is perfect for me.
it's now about five years old, but being gone a lot it has probably had three years of use.
Would like the one with the burr grinder, definatly an improvement.
Merry Christmas,

Yes, I had this same problem too, and then the clumping causes grinds in the carafe.

But it did make good coffee! and I liked the timer on it. I've been checking Amazon for product reviews and if you haven't read them there yet you might give that a try. I really want the Breville espresso machine and am trying to justify the cost to myself and if I *really* need a solid stainless fancy machine for my one cuppa a day! smileys/bigsmile.gif

I agree with the Cuisinart review... you have to thoroughly clean between every grind/brew.

I've tried just re-grinding the next day or rinsing the parts but it just "attracts" too much grounds the next time you grind - a waste. I love fresh ground beans but next time will buy a regular coffee maker (with timer) and a hand grinder. My sister has the Starbucks Barista Aroma Thermal 12-cup which I just LOVE -- the top back opens up and the water container lifts out so you can fill it at the sink... SO convenient. You can set the timer the night before and have wonderful hot coffee waiting for you in the a.m. The thermal pot keeps the coffee HOT a long time. Plus, once it finishes brewing, there is a timer on it that begins running so you can see how long it's been since you brewed it... nice feature.
